
Sunday, February 3, 2013

The WLHA is definitely NOT your mom's conservation group... Hahahaha!

The WLHA is definitely NOT your mom's conservation group... Hahahaha! 

Originally shared by ****

Lionfish Hunters - the Family Needs a Favor

We hope you enjoy the WLHA's first promotional video that aired (on YouTube) for the first time during half time of the Super Bowl. It features our very own celeb, too! (HAHAHAHAHA)

We'll release a follow up video as part of our 5 video promotional series featuring a completely different actor and theme in each, next Sunday.

Thanks for playing along!

Biggest of the big lionfish... They're keeping score now.

Biggest of the big lionfish... They're keeping score now.

Originally shared by ****

What's the World Record for Biggest Lionfish?

Current list of WLHA world record and country-specific records categorized by longest lionfish (overall length) caught on hook & line or killed by a spear can be found at