
Friday, May 31, 2013

With a profile introduction like yours Christina Smiley, how could I resist adding you to my circles?

With a profile introduction like yours Christina Smiley, how could I resist adding you to my circles? (That and we are both connected to NICOLE BOCRA via LinkedIn.) Thanks for the connection!

As a parent and busy business owner, it is oftentimes all too easy to forget that our children have their own...

As a parent and busy business owner, it is oftentimes all too easy to forget that our children have their own difficulties and fears. Recognizing and promoting the development of their passion is one way to connect with them as well as build their confidence in dealing with the insecurities we all had growing up. Great video. The ending is well worth the 3 minutes.

#tfl   #parenting

Monday, May 27, 2013

The more I travel, the more I find myself thinking about putting down roots

The more I travel, the more I find myself thinking about putting down roots

A "growing revolution," sustainable gardening on a massive, but individual, scale in negative urban spaces and a heritage forestry project meant to restore indigenous trees in areas ravaged by natural disaster.

Do you REALLY want to beat Monsanto and GMO???

Start a garden and grow your own food.

#tfl   #growyourownfood

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Being happy seems to be pretty simple when explained this way...

Being happy seems to be pretty simple when explained this way...

#tfl   #dontworrybehappy

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Light Comes On

The Light Comes On

Learned about a new theory of behavior and emotion today: 

The "Zeigarnik Effect" is the tendency to experience intrusive thoughts about an objective that was once pursued and left incomplete.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

America's Tax System Explained

America's Tax System Explained

IRS Chief says that "Taxes are voluntary." Perhaps we should all take his word for it and stop paying them?

#tf   #irs   #deathandtaxes

CIA Fail

CIA Fail

Any cat owner could have saved the CIA this heartbreak dubbed "Operation Speedbump."

#tfl   #caturday

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kai the Hitchhiker Wanted for Murder - $5,000 Reward

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Kai the Hitchhiker Wanted for Murder - $5,000 Reward

Caleb Lawrence McGillvary, known as "Kai," was last seen at a light rail station near Haddonfield, N.J., and are offering a $5,000 reward in the case. He has cut his hair in an attempt to conceal his identity.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Diving Ozzy-style! Scuba diving entry on the Great Barrier Reef via parachute... Add this to my scuba bucket list.

Diving Ozzy-style! Scuba diving entry on the Great Barrier Reef via parachute... Add this to my scuba bucket list.

#tf   #scubadiving  

Originally shared by Torben Lonne (Diving Instructor)

Is there any other way to go #diving ?

Does anyone find it ironic or a bit mysterious that Matt Cutts is wearing a FireFox logoed t-shirt in his Penguin 2.

Does anyone find it ironic or a bit mysterious that Matt Cutts is wearing a FireFox logoed t-shirt in his Penguin 2.0 video?

#penguinupdate   #mattcutts   #penguin2

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A lesson re-learned: Overthinking is a death blow to action, and action is what drives revenue.

A lesson re-learned: Overthinking is a death blow to action, and action is what drives revenue... Done is better than perfect.

#tfl   #action

Friday, May 10, 2013

@Telestream Customer Service is THE Model for Good Business

@Telestream Customer Service is THE Model for Good Business

I'm very, very pleased with Telestream ScreenFlow and how they handled my account needs!!!@ScreenFlow: Thank you!

#tfl   #customersatisfaction

Monday, May 6, 2013

By all accounts the lionfish invasion continues to grow worse in the Atlantic Basin from Rhode Island in the United...

By all accounts the lionfish invasion continues to grow worse in the Atlantic Basin from Rhode Island in the United States to as far south as Buenas Aires in Argentina.

Originally shared by ****

What is the Most Common Myth About Lionfish?

Probably the most persistent common myth about lionfish is that they are poisonous. They are not - the are however venomous. Here is the difference...

#lionfish   #invasivespecies   #spearfishing

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wishing my friends from Mexico, "Feliz Cinco de Mayo" and my Dutch friends, "Happy Bevrijdingsdag!"

Wishing my friends from Mexico, "Feliz Cinco de Mayo" and my Dutch friends, "Happy Bevrijdingsdag!"

#tfl   #bevrijdingsdag   #cincodemayo

Lionfish Hunting - Because I am doing my part to help save local fish stocks, lobster, shrimp and, ultimately, the...

Lionfish Hunting - Because I am doing my part to help save local fish stocks, lobster, shrimp and, ultimately, the reefs near where I live and dive.

Originally shared by ****

Lionfish Hunting - Because doing nothing is NOT an option.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

From bounty hunter to #lionfish hunter. LOL!

From bounty hunter to #lionfish  hunter. LOL!

Originally shared by ****

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you, lionfish" -Boba Fett

#lionfish   #maythe4thbewithyou

My one and only Caturday photo evaaaarggh!

My one and only Caturday photo evaaaarggh!

#tf   #caturday

Friday, May 3, 2013

Cinemagraphs are perhaps my favorite creative medium right now... here is my current work.

Cinemagraphs are perhaps my favorite creative medium right now... here is my current work.

#tfl   #gifanimation   #cinemagraph  

What Data Does U.S. Mobile Companies Keep and For How Long?

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What Data Does U.S. Mobile Companies Keep and For How Long?

In 2010, the Department of Justice recorded by the Department of Justice in 2010:

Verizon: retains records of call details, text message details and cell towers used by phone for one year; retains record of text message content for three to five days.

T-Mobile: retains records of call details and text message details for two years on pre-paid phones and five years on post-paid phones; retains records on cell towers used by phone for one year or longer; does not retain text message content records.

AT&T: retains records of call details and text message details for five to seven years on post-paid phones; retains records on cell towers used by phone indefinitely as of July 2008; does not retain text message content records.

Sprint: retains records of call details, text message details and cell towers used by phone for 18 to 24 months, depending on the device used; does not retain text message content records.

#mobile   #privacy

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How I feel when any of my tech is not working...

How I feel when any of my tech is not working...

#tfl   #firstworldproblems

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

“ Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity. ” - Frank Leahy

“ Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity. ” - Frank Leahy

#tfl   #quoteoftheday