
Saturday, September 28, 2013

There needs to be a filtering function on Google+ allowing me to automagically exclude #caturday posts from my...

There needs to be a filtering function on Google+ allowing me to automagically exclude #caturday  posts from my feed.

Friday, September 27, 2013

"Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe that winning can happen by accident.

"Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe that winning can happen by accident." Tomorrow's going to be a big day...

What is a Vigiplante?

What is a Vigiplante?

"A vigiplante™ is a member of a self-appointed group of separatist farmers, guerrilla gardeners and horticultural revolutionaries who undertakes sustainable, direct-action agriculture and food production in their community without legal authority, typically because corporate agribusiness and GMO produce is thought to be unhealthy and the urban landscape inadequate."

#agriculture   #aquaponics   #urbangardening

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Technical Diving and Hunting Lionfish

Technical Diving and Hunting Lionfish

Lionfish Hunting and deep diving presents inherent risks not normally faced by recreational divers. What does it take to get the job done? In a word: Focus.

#scuba   #diving   #lionfish  

Originally shared by L. Scott Harrell

Lionfish Hunting and Technical Scuba Diving

Great article about the complexities of hunting invasive #lionfish  while #tecdiving  and the absolute focus that must be maintained while staying safe beyond recreational depths.


Lionfish Hunting and Technical Scuba Diving

Lionfish Hunting and Technical Scuba Diving

Great article about the complexities of hunting invasive #lionfish  while #tecdiving  and the absolute focus that must be maintained while staying safe beyond recreational depths.
