
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Making a TV Commercial: 5 Easy Steps to Success

Making a TV Commercial: 5 Easy Steps to Success

The call to action is everything.

#videomarketing   #vtrep

Saturday, November 21, 2015

1st day of my self imposed 30 day vlogging challenge. 4 things up front:

1st day of my self imposed 30 day vlogging challenge. 4 things up front:

1. Lighting sucks.
2. Sound sucks (more important than lighting).
3. The venue sucks.
4. The video resolution sucks.

Nothing was remotely perfect today but if I waited to get started when everything is be perfect, I'd never get started. So... I just went with what I had after I miserably failed at my first attempt with a fancy camera and good lighting.

With THAT out of the way, let's beigin. ;-)

I hope you'll follow along.

- Scott

#vlog #challenge #dayone

Saturday, November 14, 2015

My daughter wants to start a YouTube channel.

My daughter wants to start a YouTube channel. This is her first video. Please "like" her video for no other reason that it will bring a huge smile to her face that she is trying... She just won her 1st international martial arts sparring tournament today!

#martialarts   #youtuber   #premiere