Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Yep... we all get these types of requests very regularly. When I get Facebook page requests, I don't want to be sold something right away or have to hear over and over again that the company is the best and dutifully here to service all of my investigative needs. When I visit the page for the first time as a result of a "like" request, I DO want to know exactly what's in it for me: Value? Education? Inspiration? Something unique and personal?

Adding value to your company's Facebook page will build your fan-base, convert them into clients and keep them coming back for more; it's part of the social media sales cycle "Know --> Like --> Trust --> Try --> Buy --> Repeat --> Refer!" (via John Jantsch )

1 comment:

Aaron Weese said...

Epic, had me laughing so hard I teared up. Of course its also very true.