Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What is Freebooting and Can it Be Prevented?

What is Freebooting and Can it Be Prevented?

Freebooting is the act of taking digital media and uploading it as your own without the content creator’s permission.

It is essentially digital plagiarism and, very often, as in the case of SmarterEveryDay, the outright theft of intellectual property.

A common example of freebooting includes downloading popular videos from YouTube and then uploading those videos to another channel, website or other social media accounts not owned by the copyright owner.

Realistically you cannot stop freebooting entirely, you can adjust your content creation, sharing and revenue strategies.

Here are 6 tips for combating the freebooters and getting the most out of your video content: 


#copyright   #freebooting   #copyrightinfringement  

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