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Tip 9/21: How Google Plus Can Build Connections on Other Social Networks
Have you ever found that there is someone you really want to connect with on a social media channel and you just can’t get noticed by them no matter what you do? Well there doesn’t seem to be much of that problem on Google Plus.
Maybe the noise is louder on other channels; maybe the person you want to connect with uses that social network in a certain way that means is harder for you to stand out; or, maybe its because there are so many different ways to interact within Google Plus that there just seems to be more positivity and willingness to engage and interact on Google Plus. Whatever the reasons are, Plus is a hotbed of connectivity.
Cut Through the Noise and Stand Our
If you stick with GPlus and put in the effort that every channel needs to foster relationships and establish a reputation for whatever it might be then those people you connect with will be more willing to readily connect with you on other social channels.
Let me give you an example, as an active member and supporter of the UK Connect Community (https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/106840654774513136686) I have come to know many individuals and their associated brands. Its really nice to be able to connect the people/profiles you come to know with the brands they represent. It means that you are more receptive to those brands and because you like them you tend to want to support them.
To that end Donna Beckett who runs the community actively encourages UK connect members to connect on Twitter and Pinterest. There are Twitter Lists to help support easy connecting and that is followed by a rash of new engagement, retweeting, favouriting and general warm fuzziness.
Here are a bunch of Twitter Lists that I have been added to just because I connected with them on Google Plus (these are just a few as the list has at least doubled since the last time I looked):
https://twitter.com/KristinDrysdale/lists/googlepluscircleoflove by Kristin Drysdale
https://twitter.com/ukconnect1/lists/uk-connect-top-supporters by UK Connect
https://twitter.com/MartinSherv/lists/my-g-friends by martin shervington
https://twitter.com/silverfox2/lists/google-plus by Martin Holmes
https://twitter.com/BeckettandCo/lists/google-plussers by Donna Beckett
https://twitter.com/NickRink/lists/britpack by Nick Rink
http://uk.pinterest.com/ukconnect/ - UK Connect has just started connecting businesses on Pinterest
Likewise, Martin Shervington through the outstanding PYB Community (https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/116964887426108499397) has actively encouraged members to connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.
https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Plus-Your-Business-Google-Plus-5174935 a group established by Martin and Managed by active members Greg Cooper and Jim Banks
Do I need to go on or have you got the gist of how awesome this is?
Why connect on other channels if you are already connected on Google Plus
Well why not would be an easy answer but a possibly more productive answer would be to point out the endless opportunities and ripples that are possible when your network widens. Its inevitable that the people you connect with on other channels will have their own connections there who don’t use Google Plus. Therefore if your posts, tweets or pins are shared on these new channels then you will reach new eyeballs and we all know how much we love new eyeballs!
So, remember…
As social networks continuously grow, Google Plus can help your brand engage with new audiences, even if they're not part of the community of monthly active users.
Google Plus Has Many Unique Features
The Plus is a very visual social network with many interesting features. For example, Hangouts on Air attracts a lot of real-time user engagement and on the whole posts feel a lot less 'perishable' than your average tweet or Facebook status. There are many opportunities to claw audiences into Google Plus by linking to your posts on other social platforms. Feed the willing new eyeballs with your lush Google Plus content and draw these new audiences in to take a closer look at your brand's message so they can engage with you from there.
Its yet another win-win as a benefit for Businesses using Google Plus!
Find out how your brand can take advantage of the many other cool things Google Plus can do here in Google Plus: The Secret Weapon for your Business by Strategy Digital. goo.gl/938xog
#googleplustips #googleplusforbusinessebook #googleplusbenefits