Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I hope that as I grow older I do not become a bat-shit crazy conspiracy theorist or start believing the tinfoil hat...

I hope that as I grow older I do not become a bat-shit crazy conspiracy theorist or start believing the tinfoil hat propagandists.


Ruben Roel said...

Lmao I thought that was the next step if you're a PI?

Either that, or when things start going south. I've noticed that most of the conspiracy theorists blame a conspiracy for their lack of success.

The first step to being successful is accept that you make mistakes, and then find a way to fix them.

L. Scott Harrell said...

Lol! Exactly. It seems that the eventuality in our profession is very often to become a bit too dramatic.

Darryl Daugherty said...

You'll also want to avoid becoming a so-called "Celebrity PI" who spews forth uninformed theories every time someone famous dies in unclear circumstances.

L. Scott Harrell said...

I don't know... speculation for pay might be fun!