If you are using Microsoft web services, Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, YouTube, Skype or Apple, it is highly likely that the United States government has collected data while you used these services.
#privacy #bigbrother #tfl
Originally shared by TechCrunch
Do you use Google? Facebook? NSA collects data directly from servers of Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and more... http://tcrn.ch/14jXqay
It's an outrage! Except... if the government ever has the time and budget to go after the 99.99% of us whose doings barely rise to the level of petty foibles at worst, that would mean all terrorism and organized crime has been eliminated. Just putting away that 35,000 hardcore offender cohort would take dozens of times the current law enforcement budget. So some nameless bureaucrat gets a false positive on an email I sent to my mom... I think I'll survive.
I am not as much as a privacy freak as others, but this is crazy.
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