Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Don’t Sell Your Skills Short – The Importance Of Getting Paid What You Deserve

With YouTube being the most popular video sharing platform, and the popularity increase of video content online, many people want to tap into the opportunity of making money from videos. Many people want to start their own channel on YouTube and publish their videos regularly, so that they can make money from it. But, since most of them don’t have the skill in video production, they usually hire video freelancers to get the job done for them. The problem is that as a video freelancer, you might only receive low payment for your work due to the high demand of video creation services.

The popularity of video publishing is also creating an increase in the number of video freelancers, which are trying to compete with each other by lowering their rates. This is something that you should avoid doing. Why? That’s because video production requires a complex skill, time, and dedication to do. You cannot afford to trade your time and skill for a cheap price. So, you shouldn’t sell your skills short. 

Here are 4 reasons why you should get paid what you deserve:

1. Your clients can potentially make a lot of money from your videos. This is the first reason. If your clients are publishing your videos on YouTube, and they get millions of views, then they make a lot of money from it. Will you charge your video production peanuts if you know that your clients will earn a consistent passive income per month from your videos? This is why you should price your services accordingly.

2. You offer different style of video production. Let’s say that your video production style is different from those low quality video freelancers that are offering their services for a very low price. The unique style that you provide in your video alone is worth paying more. Your clients will have a difficulty searching for your replacement if you stand out from the crowd. What does it mean? If you are unique and different, you will need to charge your services more.

3. You are not obligated to follow the steps of your competitors. If your fellow video freelancers are competing with each other, and offering the lowest price for their services, you don’t have to follow their steps. By lowering your rates, you will only attract clients with a limited budget, which cannot afford to pay for the premium services. You want to attract big clients that are willing to pay more for quality. If you can provide the quality that they ask, why should you sell your skills short?

The market will determine what your services are worth... don't let others fool you into believing otherwise. - L. Scott Harrell

4. You spend a lot of time producing your videos. A video creation project cannot be done in a day. Unless you have a lot of coworkers to do the project, that might happen. But, if you are working alone, or just working with one or two co-workers, then you will need a lot of time to complete a video creation project. It can be a few days to a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the project. If you charge a low price for your service, then you will only bring back a little income from your freelancing service each month. It will not be good for your business.


I am the founder of, an online marketplace where buyers can find freelance video professionals who create, edit and market all types of video content for them.

I am also the Executive Editor of Video Entrepreneur Magazine, an online magazine for freelance video professionals who want to make money by making videos, editing, marketing and related business services.

My primary interest is meeting the burgeoning demand for video content; specifically, custom video content creation across a sweeping range of needs and budgets.

I can be found on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and other social media networks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Important to stick to your guns and don't let the race to the bottom consume you and your professional code of self worth. Too many times hungry video freelancers accept low payment in hopes of creating a demo reel that will get them better paying gigs in the future. Problem is clients get used to that low price and grow to expect it. You get what you pay for.