Sunday, October 28, 2012

From my new Investigator Marketing Google+ page, Private Investigator Marketing.

From my new Investigator Marketing Google+ page, Private Investigator Marketing. For great marketing and business building strategies, please add this page to your circles!

Originally shared by Private Investigator Marketing

Basic Marketing Advice If You're Using Social Media for PI Agency Marketing and Networking

Here's the most basic social networking primer I can possibly manage for those of you who even remotely use networks for any type of marketing, professional networking or those who do not mind letting others know what you do professionally:

1. Fill out your personal network profile completely, if not completely then at the very least your profession, location and one way to get in touch with you outside of the network. (Don't keep others guessing at what you do or where you are located.)

2. The same applies if you have a Facebook business page.

That's all.

I just surveyed ten random investigation businesses' Facebook pages (ABANDON FACEBOOK PAGES FOR AGENCY MARKETING) for an article I am writing; I am pretty surprised by the overall results but, needless to say, what I saw is the impetus for this post.

Two pages blocked visitors from anywhere outside of the United States. When I switched where I was in the world via my personal profile I was able to view these two pages. As a business owner why would you bar more than 80% of Facebook's users from potentially finding your business? 

Six of the ten pages didn't indicate where they were located or the areas they serve. Of these six pages three of them did give a local telephone number but what potential client is going to bother to take the time to determine where the telephone number's area code originates?

Five pages were not updated anytime in October.

I'll be publishing my findings near the end of the week, including what happened when I try promoted posts on my agency's Facebook page - it's been a real eye-opener.

Did I mention, "ABANDON FACEBOOK PAGES FOR AGENCY MARKETING???" I'll tell you why when I publish this article later in the week.


Jeff Brownfied said...

Thanks for the article I will be sure to make some adjustments

L. Scott Harrell said...

My pleasure. MUCH more to come.

Kym L Pasqualini said...

Great information Scott and Jeff! I am more than happy to assist with social marketing, writing well-researched articles, creating awareness on Pinterest (great visual marketing tool), Tweets, etc. I have twenty years working with national media, old school marketing , and excited to be working in the field of social marketing. If I can be of assistance please let me know!